Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the end

i already know someday this day will come
i already know someday you will ask that words
and i already know your feeling from the first i know you

i can understand you
now, fly away from me
find your happiness

i think i can replace her
i think i can changed you so much better
but thats only a dream which never come true

so deep inside when you said that
but i only show that i'am strong
i dont want to crying like a baby

eventhough its only a short time
but your already steal my heart
but i can only forget you now

now i dont have to worry if someone want to steal you from me
because you doesnt mine anymore
deep in my heart, i've been hurt badly

but i give you a freedom
just take your life back like when you never meet me
i see your from here, from a long distance

hoping you happily ever after with her
i always hope for your best
i'm happy if you feeling happy

i just want to say
if you really love her, just look into her
dont find another love to hide your feeling

i support you from here
wishing all the best faith come into you
dont worry about me, i'm okay..

thanks for everthing you do to me
thanks for our sweet memories
sorry i cant be a great girlfriend for you
thanks for loving me because who i am
good bye............ :')

Saturday, September 19, 2009

late posting :p

eventhough it is too late to post but i wanna tell you us about my first month anniversarry with Firza Putra Pratama

Gue kira bakal melewatkan satu bulanan dengan perasaan sedih dan gondok karna belakangan ini kita lagi berantem terus, semua tentang firza gue ceritain ke Gisela, Nada & Ical, mereka (Y) bangeeet, nah jadi ceritanya siang2nya gue smsan sama firza dan masih dalam kondisi bt bt an, gue gakuat berantem terus gue curhat sama gisela, dan herannya tuh anak biasanya kasih saran eh sekarang cuma ngmng 'sabar, sabar ghin' hmm terus gue sms firza blg mau tidur karna pusing kepala gue berantem terus dan capek nangis sekalian minta izin temen2 ilp pada mau kerumah buat latian drama, terus gue bangun2 langsung latian drama dan gue pulang ilp jam setengah 10 an tiba2 firza sms, gue bingung mau bales apa ngga, nah disaat yang sama gue inget ical bakal ngasih gue berita, gue sms dia , dia cuma blg 'sabar ghin ntar malem aja' tanda tanya dong? gue penasaraaan hahaha terus mungkin gara2 gue lama gabales firza telfoon, dia nanya lagi dimana dll terus minta gue bales smsnyaa, yaudah smsan kannn, nah tumben2 nya firza bilang hari ini mau begadang ga? padahal firza paling gasuka kalo gue begadaaang, yaudah gue begadang kan hehehe nah tiba2 udah smsan lama dia gabales lagi terus tiba2 telfon 'ghin, liat ke balkon deh' 'hah? ngapain? balkon aku kotor ah hahaha' 'udaaaah liat aja' 'yaudah2' dan gue speechless pas liat dia dibawah O.O dia nyuruh gue turun langsung gedebak gedebuk gue kebawah hahaha dan ternyataaaaaa........ ada gisel dan ical juga! pantesan aja tuh anak 2 cuma ngmng sabar2 doang hahaha gue langsung nyamperin firza ganyangka dia dateng langsung peluuuuuuuuuk dia blg 'maaf ya gabawa apapa, buru2, oia kan aku sengaja marah2 demi hari ini haha' eventhough he didnt bring anything its enough i can meet him :3 dan goblok nya gue blg 'kok kamu ngasih surprise duluan sih? aku padahal bikin surprise juga' emang dasar gue dodol -_____- nah terus masuk kerumah, ngobrol2 blablabla

hari ini gue blg sama firza gue udah mudik kekeke :p gue emg udah ngerencanain dari lama mau bikin suprise hehe jadi rencananya gini : gue mau bikin kue tart buat dikasih ke dia dan dateng tiba2 ke tongkrongan dia bareng gisel nada dan ical, siang2 gue beli bahan2 buat bikin tart, kerumah gisel, ical jemput nada terus jemput gue dan gisel TAPIIIIIIIIII omg kue tart bikinan gue gagal 3 kali -___- parah mau nangis gueeeeeeee anja itu udah mati2an buatnya huhuhu akhirnya gue dan gisel memutuskan untuk beli kue, nada aku bingung dia jadi apa ngga soalnya kata ical ada bukpus brg yaudah kita liat kondisinya nanti hehe terussssss kita minta ical jemput di ilp veteran, terus go to bsd, nah disitu ical ngmng sama firza supaya ke gardu , bilangnya sih ical minta temenin firza ke 10dencies tapi dikarnakan kondisi gardu yg sepi akhirnya firza ke ck untungnya disana ada caca jadi firza ga pulang, gue gisel ical beli kue dulu mana macet lagi yaampun.... udah deg degan aja kalo firza pulang atau gardu rame atau dll..... :S nah ical menyusun rencana : ghin, gue samperin firza suruh ke mobil, lo nyalain lilin giliran firza udah mau deket lo keluar mobil samperin dia ya, yaudah ical keluar mobil, dan goblok nya gue keluar lilin mati berkali2 karna angin yg kenceng... gue udah teriak2 panik deg degan kalo gagal gmn..... mana kuenya udah mau jatoh pula -.- akhirnya gue sama gisel panik teriak2 dimobil nyari lighter ical balik akhirnya nyalain lilin lagi terus ke ck manggil firza, dan alhamdulillah kali ini lilin ga mati, pas firza udah deket gue keluar bawa kue, dia kaget liat gue ngomong 'lho? kok? kok kamu disini? katanya mudik?' mukanya lucu banget speechless kaget salting gt hihihi :3 dia bener2 ganyangka mungkin ya gue dateng karna mungkin mikir surprise gue gabakal jadi hehehe happy one month anniversarry ya sayaaaaang

eh iyaaaaaa hari ini kan lebaran nih

Monday, September 14, 2009


why i should have this personality...
eventhough this is my fault or not, i feeling guilty
i dont want to have a problem with everyone in a long time
i have my own way, i have a feeling
and i can angry if i dont like something
but at least i only can silent or keeping that only in my heart and brain
i dont want other people feel resentful like i have
i thinking the best way for us
that is have several distance from you when i'm angry
i'm scared if i angry to you i can screaming over you like crazy
but you said that i blame all our problem on you
maybe the 'ordinary' me is only can cry if you get angry with me
but didnt you think once, i have my patience limit
i can said i'm more sensitive than the 'ordinary' me
i dont care if you cheat behind me, you have sex with other girl or something like that
i already know you, i can accept you like who you are
i only want you care to me, a little bit
please look from other side, not one side,
all of my sacrifice to you from beginning until now....

Sunday, September 13, 2009




Saturday, September 12, 2009

fortune teller

eh eh eh kan ada ya di fb yang fortune teller jenius, iseng2 gue nanya beberapa pertanyaan :

1. how long i and my boyfriend can be together?
-> it may be, but think a lot about it

2. can my boyfriend cheat behind me?
-> NO

3. can my boyfriend loyal to me?
-> nop

(jadi yang bener antara nomer 2 dan 3 itu yang mana -_-)

4. can my boyfriend changed his habbit, not like before he meet me?
->And what do you think about it? I think go ahead!

5. am i give a positive things to my boyfriend or negative?
-> YES

sooooooooo, gue gatau yang bener itu yang mana hahaha iseng2 berhadiah ye? percaya aja yega? hahaha :3

trusting someone

hey boy, i know i can trust you
i can see you alteration and i'm so happy you can act like what you said
not only a lot of bullshit like other boys said
maybe sometimes we have an argument and makes us enough
but at least all we have to do is believe each other
no matter everyday i see a lot of girl come over you
but i know your response to them and i said its okay
you able to trust, you can take care your self
because of that i proud of you
dont ever make my trust over you is gone, i miss you♥

song at the moment

hey playboy
its about time
and your time’s up
I had to do this one for my girls you know
sometimes you gotta act like you don’t care
that’s the only way you boys learn
(2NE1 - i dont care)

Waiting for your call, I'm sick
call, I'm angry
call, I'm desperate for your voice.
I'm listening to the song we used to sing in the car.
Do you remember, butterfly, early summer?
It's playing on repeat...
Just like when we would meet.
(secondhand serenade - Your Call)

You told me
There's no need
To talk it out
Cause it's too late
To proceed
And slowly
I took your words

No looking back
I wont regret, no
I will find my way
I'm broken
But still I have to say
(Ashley tisdale - its alright its okay)

You're gonna be the death of me
I don't want you, but I need you,
I love you and hate you at the very same time
(Kanye West - Bittersweet)

Maybe it's just me.
Couldn't you believe that everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving?
And the tear in your eye,
and your calm, hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place.
(secondhand serenade - maybe)

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
(avril lavigne - when your gone)

i never once forget about you,
i only thought of you
then how about you?
did you forget about me?
tears fall from my eyes
because i feel betrayed
(super junior - happiness english translate)

he's starin' at me
I'm sittin' wonderin' what he's thinkin'
Nobody's talkin' 'cause talkin' just turns into screamin'
And now it's I'm yellin' over him, he yellin' over me
All that that means is neither of us is listening

And what's even worse?
That we don't even remember why we're fighting
So both of us are mad for

Nothing, fighting for
Nothin', crying for
Nothing, whoa
But we won't let it go for

Nothing, no not for
Nothing, this should be
Nothing to a love like what we got
(ne yo - mad)

cant angry, only can keep that feeling inside and sharing them into a few words of music, hope everythings gonna be alright

Thursday, September 10, 2009

a little of my feeling for you

i dont care about your past
i dont care what people said about you
i believe in you
i already know who's you in the past
and i know your life like what
but i dont care all of that
i trust my feeling to you

sometimes i confused is this love or not
sometimes i feel angry to you
sometimes i annoyed you
and sometimes i feel so jealous to all girl around you
but once again,
i believe in you
no matter how far we are
i can only hope that you'll be fine wherever you are

maybe i stupid
maybe i'm too much
i know i cant hope too much
i know you dont want to disappointed me
when you said that to me,
i just can speechless
i dont know how long can we stayed together
only can hope and hope

first i knew you i already know your habbits
you said that i can make you change
and i'm thanks to god if i can make you better than before
but its all up to you
i give you a freedom
i dont want to confine you
i just can see over here
and watching what are you doing right now

not only you have a bad past, i did it
love was sharing happiness and pain
when you are beside me for the first time,
i can forget my pain in past because of you
and i wish i can love you
but i dont know what happen next

deep in my heart,
i want you to show me your me your love
just a little, just a few words
i know now we are changed
but i hope we can be like before
before we like this
3 more words,
i love you

1st post

wah ini first post gue, gue bingung mau nulis apa jadi gue mau ceritain aja hari ini gue ngapain aja ya haha

hari ini hari pertama gue halangan di bulan puasa ini, kebetulan temen gue mau traktir ulang tahun dia di sency, nah disini banyak bgt kejadian kocak hahaha yang dateng ke acara ini lumayan banyak dan bukan cuma anak sekolah gue doang, gue bingung apa emg kita semua ini banci kamera atau apa, setiap ada kamera kita semua langsung heboh gatau tempat gt hehehe yaa kalo gue sih gue akuin gue emg banci kamera wkwkwk yang paling parah itu pas kita di Burger King, kita masuk2 ke tempat mainan anak2 kecil gt cuma untuk foto2, semua orang ngeliatin apalagi mas2 dan mbak2nya, mungkin takut roboh kali ya mengingat bagaimana bentuk tubuh kita2 disana hahaha satu kamera aja ada 230 foto, belom di 2 kamera lainnya dan file2 foto di laptopnya iqbal ckckck parah, ga cewe ga cowo banci kamera semua -___- oh iya jadi inget, pas gue mau masuk ke Burger King nya, gue ngelewatin tempat yg acara2 dufan gt kan, gue jalan sampingan sama Lulu, Nadya dibelakang, tiba2 ada yg ngerangkul gue sama lulu, gue kira nadya,eh pas liat tangan sama kerasa berat badannya ternyata.................. om om bule pake baju ninja! mana item2 semua, gue teriak kaget kenceng banget, lulu ikutan kaget hahaha tuh bule juga melotot abis itu salaman ama nadya wakakaka masih deg2an gue shock gt tiba2 dirangkul -.- firza jangan ngambek ya, aku ga selingkuh kok hehe

ngomongin firza jadi kangen gue sama dia seharian ga contact gara2 gada pulsa, hem pulsa emg jadi masalah anak2 jaman sekarang yaaa ckckck but i believe in him, gue percaya dia gangapa2in selama gue lost contact :)